Sunday, January 25, 2015

Finding Mikayla by Samantha Christy

I received this book for an honest review. When I received this book I had no idea what this story was about but I was hooked from the first word to the very end. This book is a stand alone and does not end on a cliffhanger.

In this book we meet Mikayla. Mikaya is a doctor that is in her second year of residency when the world suddenly changes. What we find out a few chapters later is that there was an EMP pulse made by solar flares that effected the entire worlds electricity, which in turn effected everything else. Mikaya is using her limited knowledge to help people who have made their way to Camp Brady in Florida. It has been a place to house both military and civilians alike. When the EMP pulse hit it was Easter weekend so many families were gone from the base due to this it made it easier for everyone to be housed on the base. There is also a natural spring on this base so water was not a problem. Mikayla became to resident doctor and does her best but she knows there are certain things she can not do and that makes her sad every-time she looses someone. All of the troops that were stationed overseas have no way to make it home and this includes her fiance. Some try to hold on for these people others find ways for their own happiness.

A year after coming to this base a man hits one of their recon transports and is brought back to their facility to seek treatment. The problem with him is he has retro-grade amnesia and is missing the last 2 years of his life so he has no idea what has happened to the world or why he is even there. All this man knows is his name is Mitch Matheson and he is a Sergeant in the Army.

There are many twists and turns that Mikayla and Mitch go through and I will not ruin them buy telling you in my review. All I will say is each of them is leading to something bigger in store for the both of the. I would recommend this as a must read for anyone and everyone. Even if you are not in end of the world type of books this one will have you so lost in the story that you would think you would walk outside and be a part of it. This needs to be on everyone's TBR list

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