Monday, September 12, 2016

Review of Air Dragon's Baby by Scarlett Grove

I received this book as an ARC for an honest review. 

In this book we get Elait Purr Air Prince of Galaton's story and we are introduced to Sophia Castillo. All Sophia wanted to do was join the Space Academy and become a pilot. However they wouldn't let her in due to her combative behavior. So when she learns that she will not be let in after applying again she gets drunk and sees an ad for the mating lottery so in her haze she decides to put her information in. She never thought she would ever be chosen let alone chosen for a man whom she would not see for more than a year. Can she give up her dreams to be with a man that she has never met?

Elait knows he needs to find a mate to help balance his world. As one of the 4 princes of Galaton they know they must ensure their lands before they can let others join the lottery. Elait like his fellow princes know they can not see their mates before they are with them or the mating impulse will drive them mad. However after seeing a picture of Sophia Elait knows this will not be an easy task. Elait didn't know however how strongly he would feel for his mate when he sees who she is. Can he make it until she arrives with his son or will the impulse take over and will he loose everything before he can his hands on them?

This is another amazing short story in this series. We find two people who are looking for something or someone but are not sure if they will ever get it. There are many twist to this story that I would like to tell you about but do not want ruin any of the surprises in it. I will say I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

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