Monday, June 6, 2016

Review of Bear Fur the Princess by Aya Morningstar

I received this book as an ARC for an honest review.

In this book we get Greybear Bjornberg's story and we are introduced to Nessa Cliffmoor. Greybear has been feeling a little restless lately and when Serghei tells them that the London Dragon is in Ireland he is ready. The problem is though he needs a good cover story which mean he has to go with the man-whore of them all Sidd. Over all Sidd and Greybear get along but they want different things but for the sake of the mission they are willing to do things together. That is till Greybear gets one look at Nessa. He doesn't know who she is at first or what she is because for some reason he can't smell her but he knows he needs to get to know her a lot more intimately. But can he risk being with a woman when he needs to find the London Dragon? Or will this woman lead him right into the heart of the matter in all things?

Nessa knows that her father isn't well but doesn't know what to do for him or for the clan. She also knows that her fathers adviser Keiran is up to something she just can't put her finger on what that might be yet. All she knows is to be able to take up the crown she is going to need help so what else can she do but go looking for it. She was going to find some dragons but when she hears that Sidd and Greybear are in town she can't resist just taking a quick look at them. Nessa was just looking for help not her mate but what she got was so much more. 

This book is great I would recommend reading Dragon's Bidding first just to understand the references made about the London Dragon in this book. It can be read as a stand alone though. This book is amazing it is about going somewhere you never thought you would to find the person you are meant to be with. That being said it does not mean that it is all smooth sailing after that.  This book however will have you hooked from the first word to the very end. I would recommend this book and this entire series to anyone and everyone.  

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