Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Review of Throttle by Kira Blakely

I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review. 

In this book we meet Michelle Harper and Andrew “Ace” Bogart. When they first meet it is a wild explosion of hormones. Neither of them can forget the other but figure they will never see each other again.  However things have a funny way of drawing people together when they least expect it. Michelle is the new lawyer in town and as the new public defender she gets the cases the courts choose for her. Ace has been known to be a hothead but since having his daughter he has tried to settle down. There is just one problem with that scenario for Ace and his name is Deputy Chet Browntooth. Chet and Ace have had problems for years and one night Chet takes it too far and falsely arrests Ace. Well his lawyer is the last person he ever thought he would see. Michelle can’t believe who her new client is. The one man she can’t seem to forget. They wonder can they get past all the issues they have in their past to have a real future or will it totally kill their present and possibly their future together?

This is a great story will a few major twists in it. I want to tell you so much more about this book but don’t want to ruin it for any other readers. I will say this book will have you hooked from the first word to the very end. I would highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone. 

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  I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review.  In this book we meet Mila, Sterling, & ...