Thursday, July 30, 2015

Torn Hearts by Claire Contreras Limited Time Sale

Free, free, FREE!  Torn Hearts follows Mia and Jensen's story in the beginning. Like many of our own stories, theirs is not complete.  Their story will continue in Paper Hearts releasing September 10th!

Start Mia & Jensen’s Story for FREE  at the following retailers:

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I met a boy once.
He made my heart go into a frenzy every time he looked at me, and my knees go weak whenever he touched me. Our love was so beautiful that even its demise was bittersweet.
I met a girl once.
Her world, full of possibilities, made me feel like even I had a chance at being someone. She believed in me. She loved me. We were so secure, that even our breaking point seemed hazy.
Until we reached it.

Author Information

Claire Contreras graduated with her BA in Psychology from Florida International University. She lives in Miami, Florida with her husband, two little boys, and three dogs.

Her favorite past times are: daydreaming, writing, and reading.

She has been described as a random, sarcastic, crazy girl with no filter.

Life is short, and it’s more bitter than sweet, so she tries to smile as often as her face allows. She enjoys stories with happy endings, because life is full of way too many unhappy ones.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter



Red Hot Candy Box Set

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<b style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">Ready to sweeten up your summer with something&nbsp;<span style="color: red;">RED HOT</span>?&nbsp;</b></div>
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<b style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">RED HOT CANDY,&nbsp;</b><b style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">a collection of 22 all-new sweet to spicy romances,</b></div>
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<b style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">is available for sale now.&nbsp;</b><b style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">Welcome to release week!&nbsp;</b></div>
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<span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Today we're sharing sweet tidbits from some of the authors&nbsp;</b></span></div>
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<span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>so you can get to know them a little better.&nbsp;</b></span></div>
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<span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Here are the sweetest or most thoughtful gifts ever received.</b></span></div>
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<span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>We're also giving away a sweet gift. Check it out below!</b></span></div>
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<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="373" src="" width="400" /></a></div>
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<span style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Gillian Cherry</b></span></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">When I &nbsp;was 16, my boyfriend gave me a jewelry box with something in every drawer. In the drawer marked "open last" was a beautiful opal pendant on a gold chain.</span></div>
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<span style="background-color: #f6f7f8; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><br /></span></div>
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<b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><span style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;">Layla Wilcox</span></b></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">My husband is a photographer. He buys me flowers often. Before we were married, we had a fight. He showed up at my door with tulips wrapped in a photo of the flowers he had taken earlier. That way I got to keep the flowers (and him) forever.</span></div>
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<b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><span style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;">J. C. Valentine</span></b></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">The sweetest gift I ever received was my first Mother's Day present-- my son. He was born on Mother's Day, so every few years, we get to share the day.</span></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><br /></span></div>
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<b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><span style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;">Jo Raven</span></b></div>
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<span style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">When we were about to get married, years ago, my husband knew I don't wear rings. He does wear a golden earring, so he bought me one the same, instead of a wedding ring. Now we both wear our matching earrings...&nbsp;</span><span class="emoticon_text" style="clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); color: #141823; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; height: 1px; line-height: 16.0799999237061px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; width: 1px;"><span style="background-color: white;">heart emoticon</span></span><span class="emoticon emoticon_heart" style="background-color: white; background-image: url(; background-position: 0px -204px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; color: #141823; display: inline-block; height: 16px; line-height: 16.0799999237061px; vertical-align: top; width: 16px;" title="&lt;3"></span></span></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><br /></span></div>
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<b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><span style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;">Pavarti K. Tyler</span></b></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">My husband got me an antique typewriter for our 5 year anniversary. It was heavy as hell and he lugged it from Vermont to surprise me.</span></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><br /></span></div>
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<b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><span style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;">Daizie Draper</span></b></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">My husband is my best gift ever! But the most random, sweetest gift I've ever gotten was in college when I was taking this marketing class. I had a group project due with an invented product or service and had to give a half hour presentation. My group consisted of me and two football players who never came to class. Well, I was really upset I had to shoulder this whole thing by myself because I'm shy as it is and not the best public speaker, and I was stressing out about it in my painting class. The Running Back took painting with me. He was super popular because he was amazing on the field and didn't know me from Eve, but he felt so bad for me, he spent three days during my 2-hour class helping me make my visual aids. Sooo unbelievably sweet and unforgettable!</span></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; color: #141823; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><br /></span></div>
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<span style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Mira Bailee</b></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="color: #141823; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1" style="background-color: white;"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.0.$end:0:$text0:0">After my husband and I went through an intense rough patch, he surprised me with a brand new l</span></span><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0">aptop and told me, "This is only for your writing. I want you to get to finish your books." Fast forward to now, and I've published a complete series, have started on several more, and have tons of ideas waiting. Sounds romantic to me...<span class="emoticon_text" style="clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); height: 1px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; width: 1px;">wink emoticon</span><span class="emoticon emoticon_wink" style="background-image: url(; background-position: 0px -442px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; display: inline-block; height: 16px; vertical-align: top; width: 16px;" title=";)"></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="color: #141823; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1" style="background-color: white;"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0" style="background-color: white; color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">J.C. Andrijeski</b></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="color: #141823; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0" style="background-color: white; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.0" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.0.$end:0:$text0:0">When I first got to India I was terrified out of my friggin' mind (I moved there pretty impulsively after leaving my corporate job to just write for a few years). I was also horribly sick whe</span></span><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0">n I left and by the time I got to Dharamasala in the Himalayas, extremely jetlagged after about 36 hours of travel. All I had was the name of a hotel run by this nice family from Kasmir. Well, I got there and basically passed out. Like 10 hours later I woke up feeling terrible and wandered upstairs, dehydrated and shaky and pale, and this whole family surrounded me, horrified and worried about me. Something about the kindness of total strangers, you know? Especially when they don't speak your language, lol. They handed me water bottles, the mother cooked me dinner in their kitchen (the restaurant was long closed it was like 11pm at night and they'd been hanging out watching a movie) and basically they plopped me in front of the television and clucked over me and all but tucked me in after I was full. It made for a really nice landing in India and a lot of my fear vanished after that.&nbsp;<span class="emoticon_text" style="clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); height: 1px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; width: 1px;">smile emoticon</span><span class="emoticon emoticon_smile" style="background-image: url(; background-position: 0px -340px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; display: inline-block; height: 16px; vertical-align: top; width: 16px;" title=":)"></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="color: #141823; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0" style="background-color: white;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0" style="background-color: white; color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">Alison Foster</b></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="color: #141823; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span style="background-color: white; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">After a very difficult trip overseas, I came back to find a spotless house and my bed covered in presents of all kinds—my husband’s way of welcoming me home.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
<div class="UFICommentContent" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0" style="color: #141823; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">
<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span style="background-color: white; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
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<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0" style="color: #cc0000; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif;"><b style="line-height: 22.3999996185303px;">Sarah M. Cradit</b></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
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<span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1"><span data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;K&quot;}" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body"><span class="UFICommentBody _1n4g" data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890220501055875:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3" style="line-height: 16.0799999237061px;"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0"><span data-reactid=".86.1:5:1:$comment890102941067631_890224634388795:0.0.$right.0.$left.0.0.1.$comment-body.0.3.0.$end:0:$text0:0"><span style="background-color: white; font-family: Trebuchet MS, sans-serif; line-height: 16.0799999237061px;">My best friend Shawn often sends me care packages from Louisiana, as a way of making me feel closer to New Orleans and the bayou (my favorite place, and where my book series is set).</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></div>
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<span style="background-color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Unshakable&nbsp;</b>by J.C. Valentine ~ While Jami and Ally are preparing to bring a new life into the world, Don is forced to fight for his life.&nbsp;</span><br />
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<span style="background-color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Yearning to Yield</b>&nbsp;by Pavarti K. Tyler ~ High school reunions are lame, unless your teenage crush has the same fetish as you. A Sugar House Story.&nbsp;</span><br />
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<span style="background-color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Mated in Bearfield&nbsp;</b>by Jacqueline Sweet ~ Wedding day in Bearfield means naked in-laws, cubs eating your dessert, and a mating frenzy.&nbsp;</span><br />
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<span style="background-color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Le Moulin</b>&nbsp;by JC Andrijeski ~ Spy. Assassin. Seer. Terian is all of those, but when he finds his first love a slave in war-torn Paris, he vows to save her.&nbsp;</span><br />
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<span style="background-color: white; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px;"><b>Jesse's Girl</b>&nbsp;by Alison Foster ~ Jesse and Emma were the best of friends until the day she asked him to take her innocence, and he said no.&nbsp;</span><br />
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Reveiw for Property of the Bad Boy by Vanessa Waltz

I received this book as an ARC for an honest review. 

In the beginning of this book I had some trouble getting into it and that is just due to my personal preferences for books. In this book we meet Jake and Beatrice. Jake is a wise guy and Beatrice is part of an MC. They could not be more different if they tried but when events lead them to one another they find that they have feelings that they never would have imaged. 

There are many twist and turns in this book that will have you coming back for more over and over again. I liked how you don't know who is with this couple and who is against them until the very end. The personal problem I had with this book is through almost half of the book all he does is treat her like dirt but expects her to bow down to his every him. I am not into degradation and that is what it feels like in most of this book for her. 

Over all this book is an amazing story. I would recommend this book. The fact that there are so many twists make is a book that I just couldn't put down.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sale ends July 31st for No Ordinary Billionaire by J.S. Scott

No Ordinary Billionaire $1.99 Sale Ending Soon!!

Get your copy of No Ordinary Billionaire by July 31st to get this great deal.
Dante Sinclair never cared about his family’s money. All the ultra-sexy billionaire ever wanted was to be a cop; and now that he’s a homicide detective in Los Angeles, he’s a damn good one. But when he is injured and loses his partner in the line of duty, he returns to his vacation home in Amesport, Maine, to recover. With a mouth as dangerous as the streets he protects, Dante knows no one can ever heal or tame him.
Sarah Baxter, a brilliant young doctor still struggling with her stifled upbringing, has recently moved from Chicago to sleepy Amesport to escape her past, hoping to find peace. When Sarah is assigned to Dante’s case, there’s an instant heat between them. They couldn’t possibly be more different, yet their intense passion is impossible to ignore. As burning desires awaken within Sarah, her haunted past returns, threatening her once again. Can Dante overcome his grief and unravel the secrets Sarah is hiding in time to protect and rescue her?

Review of Punching & Kissing by Helena Newbury

I received this book as an ARC for an honest review.

Let me start this out by saying wow this book is amazing it will grab hold of you and not let go. In this book we meet Sylvie and Aedan. When the book starts out Slyvie is at a place called the pit where underground fighters fight practically to the death or someone can't fight anymore, whichever comes first. Slyvie is only there to watch her brother fight because with their situation she knows they need him to win. While at this fight she sees a mysterious man who later helps her out. Who is it none other than Aedan.

When Aedan first sees Slyvie he thinks she is an angel, but then he thinks no angel would be caught dead in this place. When Aedan spots trouble for Slyvie he knows he should just leave but there is just something about her that keeps drawing him back. Even after the looks he receives from her after saving her he can't believe he is good enough for her and believes he should just leave her alone.

There are many twist and turns to this story that make you wonder can two broken people find a happy ending? You will have to read the book to find out what happens not only to Aedan and Slyvie but to Alec (Slyvie's brother) as well. This book will have you hooked from the moment you start this book to the very end. It will draw you in to so many emotions. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reveiw of Red Hot Candy

I received this as an ARC for an honest review.

This is an amazing collection of short stories. All of these authors are ones that have put out books that will all read again and again. This is some of their shorter stories that go along with their series or as stand alone's.

I would recommend this series to anyone and everyone. This is a definite don't miss. There is so much I want to tell you about this collection but due to the fact that a lot of these stories are short I don't want to give anything away from them. This is an amazing sale price for all of these amazing authors pick it but before the sale goes away. Well worth the price, you will not be sorry

The Forbidden Billionaire by J.S. Scott is Live


All of Jared Sinclair’s wealth still can’t ease the pain from his terrible childhood…or his guilt over a recent tragedy. Unable to forgive himself, the billionaire property investor buries his emotions, toughens his skin, and becomes a notorious womanizer, refusing to commit his heart to a woman when he’s convinced she wants only his wallet.

But ever since Jared arrived in Amesport, Maine, he’s been intrigued by Mara Ross, the petite and sexy shop owner who asks nothing of him. When Mara’s store is purchased without her knowledge, she stands on the brink of losing her home, her livelihood, and generations of family history. Then the irresistibly persuasive Jared proposes a business deal to Mara…and soon draws her into a steamy, sensual affair, convincing her that he’s anything but cold. However, when a revelation shakes Mara’s fragile trust to the core, Jared must finally confront the truth about his past.

In The Forbidden Billionaire, J.S. Scott brings the next chapter in her passionate Sinclairs series to life.

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Also Available


Called an eccentric beast by the citizens of Amesport, Maine, handsome, sensual billionaire Grady Sinclair stays isolated in his mansion on a private peninsula. The arrangement suits Grady just fine—until an unassuming woman rings his doorbell, awaking his long dormant passion with her fearlessness. All he wants is to make the fiery blonde his forever. But will he have to become the monster everyone thinks he is to get his Christmas wish?

Emily Ashworth is desperate. The Youth Center has been robbed of all its money, and as the director, she has to find a way to give the town’s needy children the Christmas they deserve. With nowhere else to turn, she ventures to the mansion of a mysterious billionaire to ask for help. Warned to expect a beast, Emily is shocked to find Grady Sinclair a handsome and very sensual man. With steamy kisses under the mistletoe and seductive whispers while hanging the wreath, Emily finds there’s more to Grady than meets the eye. Is this misunderstood billionaire just a lonely soul who needs the gift of love for Christmas?

This edition of The Billionaire's Christmas, which was previously published in A Maine Christmas...Or Two: A Duet (The Billionaire's Angel & A Mermaid Isle Christmas), includes editorial revisions.


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Dante Sinclair never cared about his family’s money. All the ultra-sexy billionaire ever wanted was to be a cop; and now that he’s a homicide detective in Los Angeles, he’s a damn good one. But when he is injured and loses his partner in the line of duty, he returns to his vacation home in Amesport, Maine, to recover. With a mouth as dangerous as the streets he protects, Dante knows no one can ever heal or tame him.

Sarah Baxter, a brilliant young doctor still struggling with her stifled upbringing, has recently moved from Chicago to sleepy Amesport to escape her past, hoping to find peace. When Sarah is assigned to Dante’s case, there’s an instant heat between them. They couldn’t possibly be more different, yet their intense passion is impossible to ignore. As burning desires awaken within Sarah, her haunted past returns, threatening her once again. Can Dante overcome his grief and unravel the secrets Sarah is hiding in time to protect and rescue her?

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Coming Soon!!!

The Billionaire's Touch

Pre Order Available NOW

After a troubling childhood, wealthy Evan Sinclair likes his life orderly and controlled. He rarely gives in to spontaneous urges—until he begins a chance correspondence with a mystery woman who sounds like his complete opposite. She intrigues and amuses him, and the interest seems mutual…which is more than he can say for his current obsession, Miranda Tyler, the tough-as-nails, sexy schoolteacher who’s made it clear she’s not impressed—or interested.

Miranda finally has it all: a good job, friends, and the security of living in the quaint coastal town of Amesport, Maine. She even has an anonymous pen pal—a man she’s never met yet has bonded with almost effortlessly. The only thing unsettling her life is Evan Sinclair. The handsome billionaire is arrogant, pompous, and far too used to getting his way. Miranda tries her best to avoid him, until Evan’s steamy kiss turns her world upside down.

Soon their red-hot desire is scorching the sheets and has them both spinning out of control. But when secrets are revealed, will their insatiable attraction keep them together or force them apart? In J.S. Scott’s The Billionaire’s Touch, the eldest Sinclair just might have met his match.


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J.S. Scott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of steamy romance. She's an avid reader of all types of books and literature. Writing what she loves to read, J.S. Scott writes both contemporary steamy romance stories and paranormal romance erotics. They almost always feature an Alpha Male and have a happily ever after because she just can't seem to write them any other way!

Damaged & Dangerous by AJ Downey Cover Reveal

Title: Damaged & Dangerous
Series: The Sacred Hearts MC VI
Author: A.J. Downey
Release Date: September 27, 2015

She’s Damaged…
Dani Broussard never imagined that her life would turn out like this. She always thought that her grandfather would be there for her into adulthood and that her high school sweetheart, Jared, would be the man she would marry. That isn’t what happened though. Instead, her grandfather got sick and passed away before Dani saw the age of nineteen. It was just her and Jared until he hooked up with a local MC, The Suicide Kings… Then it was just her. Pig-Pen claimed her body, rules her life, but he would never hold her heart. Kept because of her looks and a particular set of skills unique only to her, Dani has been with The Suicide Kings for the last three years… three long damaging years. She hates it, all of it, the pain the humiliation, the fear… and as strong as Dani is, as clever as she can be, she is quickly finding that death may be the kinder, gentler option rather than live through any more of this hell.
He’s Dangerous…
Red-XIII is, and always will be, a Sacred Hearts man. But for now, he’s a Suicide Kings prospect. Tasked with providing intelligence on the King’s inner workings to his real club, Thirteen has been slowly, quietly and carefully dismantling the King’s operation from the inside out. The situation is dangerous, good thing Thirteen is a dangerous guy but even he can’t be everywhere at once and a couple of missteps have cost the Sacred Hearts dearly. Doubly determined to finish this with no more wreckage or damage to the SHMC, Thirteen is blindsided by his heart when he lays eyes on Dani. A pretty, little thing with long black hair and striking blue eyes. She slays him with one look from her damaged soul and now Thirteen has tasked himself with two missions… Take down The Suicide Kings and get both Dani and himself out alive.
For now those missions run parallel to each other but what happens if they ever end up at odds? The bigger question is, how can he get close to the VP’s Ol’ Lady as a Prospect and not get them both burned?

Excerpt #1 (long)
I finished cleaning the clubhouse all the while trapped in memory. I didn’t realize that I’d had company as I’d worked. As usual, he was there, parked on the end of the couch, boots propped on the old, scarred, garage sale coffee table, only this early in the day he’d forgone the beer in favor of a bottle of water. Another thing that set him apart as ‘other’, to the rest of the guys beer was bottled water.

I secreted a small smile in his direction and he secreted one back but we didn’t speak, we didn’t need to. Soon, Skid came around and our little private moment was in the wind but that was okay. I knew that I could or would never be with Thirteen, but having him around had become a little ray of light in an otherwise darkened room. Maybe it was foolish to hope or to dream at this stage but I couldn’t help but believe that with a guy like Thirteen around the club, maybe, just maybe things could get better.

“What you smiling about?” Skid asked me as he bellied up to the bar. I startled, had I been smiling? I glanced at the older biker and he raised an eyebrow under his faded black do-rag.

“I don’t know…” I frowned and flailed helplessly inside my head for a convincing lie, “I was just thinking about a piece I was going to try and create. I think I have all the pieces now.”

Skid chuckled, “It’s good to see you smile Rac. How ‘bout you get me a beer? One of them ones with the orange dude on the label.” He turned on his stool and started talking to Thirteen who had been grinning like an idiot behind his back but who quickly schooled his features into neutrality before Skid turned.

I rolled my eyes at Thirteen behind Skid’s back and got Skid the bottle he asked for, popping the top. I set it on the bar by his hand and he picked it up and drank, never breaking his stride as the two of them spoke bike. I was simply nothing more than furniture again which I didn’t like but at the same time was definitely the lesser of two evils.

Pretty soon Gordy, Pipes and Cooter came in from the front of the club and I was serving them up drinks when Pig-Pen and Griz made their arrival. The rest of the guys started to trickle in from the front or the back lot and girls started coming intermixed with the guy’s arrival. The party was in full swing the sky dark outside when Gordy swore and pounded his fist on the bar.

“God damn fucking son of a bitch!” he bellowed, looking at the lighted screen on his phone. Griz shoved down on the head of the strung out broad sucking him off and she choked, struggling.

“What is it now?” he demanded and let her up. She stood up disgusted and stumbled towards the bathrooms.

“Trouble!” Gordy declared, “But if we all go now we might make it, Ace and Deuce are holed up at the North West safe house, says Sacred Hearts have ‘em pinned down, four of ‘em.” Griz stood up and tucked himself back in his pants doing up his jeans.

“Boys! We’re goin’ huntin’!” he yelled. A cheer went up and I swallowed hard, Thirteen stood.

“Not you!” Gordy stabbed a finger at him.

“Take Coon to your place and keep her locked down. She’s our last bet on making any god damned money.”

Thirteen raised an eyebrow, “I live in a cabin with no electricity!” he declared.

“So fucking what!?” Pig-Pen called, “Don’t care if she’s comfortable, so long as she can produce. Don’t be god damned pussy over her pussy!”

Thirteen gave a shrug and I gathered my purse. The guys were all going out the back door to the parking lot where they kept their bikes I could already hear some of them firing up. Dredd and Flyer were chasing out the club sluts, which truthfully there weren’t many left hanging around since the club’s drug supply started drying up. I came around the bar and Pig grabbed me by the elbow, hard.

“You’re my bitch, so don’t be getting any ideas about spreading those whore legs of yers for Pretty boy over there,” he muttered savagely in my ear, his breath washing over me, a fetid mixture of whiskey and cigarettes with an overlay of just plain rot.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” I plastered on a fake as hell sincere smile, “I know who takes care of me,” I said.

“Damn right.” And as if to prove his point he shoved his mouth against mine and his tongue in my mouth all the while looking daggers at Thirteen. I gave little resistance. I didn’t want or need any bruises except the ones that were likely imprinted on my arm from where he gripped me, besides that, I’d learned a long, long time ago that resistance was futile and only hurt more in the end. Pig-Pen finally broke the kiss and thrust me in Thirteen’s direction before going out the door.

“You good to ride?” he asked. I nodded grimly. I just wanted outside so I could spit. Thirteen grabbed my coat off the hook in the wall behind the bar and handed it to me and I shrugged into it.

“C’mon.” he put a hand on my shoulder and made like he was shoving me in front of him out the door, though his grip on my shoulder was light, not painful. He put on his helmet and glasses sitting astride his bike. I put on the spare and with one final brave smile at Pig who was glaring at me and standing with Griz and Gordy I got on behind Thirteen.

Text Copyright © 2015 A.J. Downey
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved
Excerpt #2 (short)
“How the Hell you get that?” he demanded.

“Came through on my personal cell, someone mass-texted it. I have so many goddamned contacts, I didn’t realize I still had anybody from the club in it. No worries, my cover is secure. No one saw shit. I don’t leave things like that lyin’ around.”

D. grunted into the phone, “Cops‘re still sittin’ on us. They still watching you?” he asked.

“If by ‘you,’ you mean The Suicide Kings, then yeah. Unmarked tan cargo van when we pulled in from the run. It’s a good thing Gordy’s a paranoid fucker and sweeps for listening devices on the regular. Pretty sure they only got visual. They’ll get tired soon enough and fuck off onto something bigger and better.”

“Yeah. With our history, they ain’t investigatin’ or cryin’ too hard about our plight.” Dragon sounded both tired and downright pissed off at that. I didn’t blame him. Chandra deserved a lot better. Reave, too! Don’t get me wrong. But as a brother, you expect this shit to happen. No women and no children had been the SHMC motto from the beginning, even before our reformed ways. We did some gnarly and seriously rancid shit back in the day. Guns, drugs, gambling – you name it. But we always left the women and children out of it.

No prostituting, no hitting. Rape was liable to get your dick chopped off – which is why, no matter how fucking hard, no matter how often the Suicide Kings tried to get me to join in on one of their trains, it was no fucking dice. Because very rarely, if ever, were the chicks they were fucking at all clear-headed or into it.

It bothered me, a whole fuck of a lot, the way these animals treated their women and I found myself spilling it all. I told D. everything I’d seen going on, everything I could garner about their operation, in effect, unburdening my soul from all the awful shit I’d been a party to in the name of the greater good. In the name of spying out our enemy. He was quiet for a long time on the other end and finally let out a sigh that made him sound like he felt every single year and every single mile. It’d been weeks since I last talked to him beyond a short text. The deeper I got in with these fuckers, the more I was around them, the less opportunity there was for full on communication.

“Do you need out?” he asked.

My thoughts drifted to Raccoon, to her sharp and calculating stare as she’d passed me my face mask.

“No man, I’m good. My work ain’t over yet. Not by a long, flat, mile. It’ll be done when every one of these fuckers is in the ground and the Suicide Kings ain’t nothin’ but the dust of fuckin’ memory.”

Text Copyright © 2015 A.J. Downey
About The Author 
A.J. Downey is a born and raised Seattle, WA Native. She finds inspiration from her surroundings, through the people she meets and likely as a byproduct of way too much caffeine.
She has lived many places and done many things though mostly through her own imagination... An avid reader all of her life it's now her turn to try and give back a little, entertaining as she has been entertained. She lives in a small house in a small neighborhood with a larger than life fiancé and one cat.

Review of Delivered to My Grizzles by Mazzy J. March

  I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review.  In this book we meet Monroe, Ansel, & E...