Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Review of Delivered to My Grizzles by Mazzy J. March


I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review. 

In this book we meet Monroe, Ansel, & Edward. Monroe has always felt like an outcast in her own family. Lately though it is more than that she feels like they only want her around to make her do what they want for her life. When she signs up for mail order mating she thinks it is a way to get her family off her back, what she gets is so much more. Ansel & Edward are grizzlies that have traveled the world. The thing is in all that time they have never found their mate. They decide to try mail order mating and are surprised at the connection they feel with just Monroe's picture. Can they all find a HEA or will other surprises make that impossible?

Another hit out of the park by this author. I would highly recommend it to anyone. 

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