Monday, July 10, 2023

Teaser for Wild Island Love by Melissa Foster

 Fake dating an A-list actor you can't stand. Doable. The A-list actor? Also doable. Pre-order WILD ISLAND LOVE, a laugh-out-loud funny, sinfully sexy fake-dating romance, today! 


Sparks fly between a PR rep and an A-list actor who want nothing to do with each other.
Leni Steele might be looking for love, but she’s definitely not looking to be someone’s fake date. Especially not one of the most infuriatingly handsome and annoyingly cocky actors on the planet, Duncan Raz. 

But when the owner of the PR firm for which she works forces her to walk the red carpet on his arm, she has no choice. Neither wants to be there, much less with each other. They’re like oil and water, and he gets on her last nerve. 

But after a few tequila shots, that’s not all he gets on. What was supposed to be one date turns into a media frenzy they can’t afford to ignore, and Leni has no other option than to continue the ruse. All the fake kisses, furtive glances, and seductive touches eventually start to feel very real. But Raz didn’t earn his A-list-actor status for nothing. Is he just doing what he does best? Playing a role? Or is Leni the leading lady in Raz’s real-life love story?

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