Saturday, July 24, 2021

Review of Until Tia by K. L. Humphreys


I have received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review.

In this book we meet Tia Monroe and Christopher Harlan. When this book opens we find that Tia has been attacked again by her ex-boyfriend so bad that it put her in the hospital. Both November and Asher want her with them so they can help her heal and protect her but she knows she won't bring that to their doorstep especially with November 7 months pregnant with their first child. So she agrees to move in with her sister instead. Now 3 years later she is looking for a new job and has just interviewed as a personal assistant to Christopher Harlan at HarMar. She was in luck with her sister working there she had lots of insight to the company. She is still scared of her ex but for reasons she has never shared with her sister or her best friend. Christopher can't stand the way his mother acts while around his son and he has had enough. Between the conditions he found his ex in when she had his son and his mother treating the child like he is the problem he is done. He needs someone to help him run his office but that can also be around his son. Hen he meets Tia he knows she is the woman he can't live without. He just hopes his son will feel the same way about her and her about him. Can these two get the HEA they never thought they could ever have or The past make sure that never happens?

I had not read this author before but wowza is she good. These characters are amazing and though part of the boom family hold their own. I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

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