Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Review of Her Silver Fox Bikers by Kai Lesy


I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review. 

In this book we meet Nadia, Orion, Kai, & Drake. Nadia has defied her father and taken a job at The King & Sword which is a hang out for the Iron Horses Bikers. Her only problem is she is attracted to not one of them but all of them. She knows that there is no way for to ever get her father's blessing to be with them but she sure wants to. Orion, Kai, & Drake would like nothing more that to take Nadia. They however have told her father that they will watch over her and protect her. They believe that it means even from them. Can they all find a HEA or will others make sure that will never happen?

Another amazing story by this author. I would highly recommend it to anyone. 

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