Sunday, December 23, 2018

Review of Alien Daddies by Sue Lyndon

I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review. 

In this book we meet Makenna "Kenna" Vega, Torin, Aras, Kameel, Nagen, Vilad, and Zane. Mekenna's life at home was one of more neglect than most times abuse. There were times her father would either verbally or physically assault her. Since her father has decided to lock her away for the summer Kenna has decided to run away to do what she wanted in the first place. Kenna has found her way to an alien planet just not the one she was looking to spend her summer on. On this planet she didn't just find one mate but 6 of them. On this planet not only did the men find a mate but they found themselves a little. Can they find a HEA or will outside forces make sure that never happens?

This is a great book. It does have its ups and downs I really want to tell you about. However I don't want to ruin it for any other readers. I will say this book will have you hooked from the first word to the very end. I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. 

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