Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Review of Twins for Brother's Best Friend by Sofia T. Summers


I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review. 

In this book we meet Greta and Isaac. See Greta has known Isaac since she was young. He is her brother's best friend and as she grew older the more she wanted him. She knew her brother would never approve though. So the night before they are to head back to college Greta decides now is the time. She is going to loose her V card to Isaac. When the opportunity arises she takes it. Now 7 years later both of their lives have changes. Greta became a computer programmer and started her own business. The thing is though her business partner took her code and sold it off as her own and stole her clients. Now she is having to ask her brother for money just to keep her business going. Isaac's life changed after that day too. He went back to college only for his uncle to ask him to come help learn his business before he passed. Isaac does and has now mad it a thriving company.  Supposedly his uncle's will states that he must have a child within the next 16 months to keep the company. The was mysteriously filed incorrectly. Greta's brother comes up with a simple solution have Greta get paid to be his surgent. Will they find a HEA now as adults that they couldn't have 7 years ago or will the lies of others make that impossible?

This is another amazing hit out of the park by this author. It does have its ups and downs I really want to tell you about. However I don't want to ruin the story for any other readers. I will say this will be a can't put the book down everything else on hold till you read those two word "the end". I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. 

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