Sunday, March 1, 2020

Review of Dad's Greek Mafia Friend by Flora Ferrari

I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review. 

In this book we meet Sasha and Nico. Nico is a hard man and most people would rather move than have his wrath come down on them. Nico and Sasha's father have been business partners with some very unsavory people for years now. When Sasha turned 18 she finally came to live full time with her father. This is when Nico saw the young woman as his woman. Sasha has wanted Nico for years now she just couldn't tell him. Now that she is 18 and they have a night to themselves she isn't letting anything hold them back. Will they get the HEA they both want or will others make sure that never happens?

This is an amazing story by this author. It does have its ups and downs I really want to tell you about. However I don't want to ruin the story for any other readers. I will say this book will have you hooked from the first word to the very end. I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

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Review of CEO's Bossy Whispers by Penny Snoak

  I received this book with the understanding that I could leave a voluntary and honest review.  In this book we meet Mina & Wyn Statton...